In the fast-paced world of application development and deployment, effective logging is crucial for monitoring, debugging, and maintaining the health of systems. At CyberMind Works, we have developed a robust logging pipeline to handle billions of logs efficiently. This article delves into how we leverage ClickHouse, Fluent Bit, Pino, and Grafana to create a high-performance logging infrastructure.
Why We Chose ClickHouse
ClickHouse is a columnar database management system known for its fast query processing, making it ideal for analytics and log management. It is designed to handle large volumes of data with high throughput and low latency. This makes ClickHouse an excellent choice for our logging needs, where we require rapid ingestion and querying of billions of log entries.
Database Setup (ClickHouse)
We use ClickHouse to store and query our logs. Here are the table schemas we use:
Logs Table
CREATE TABLE cmwlogs.backendlogs
namespace LowCardinality(String),
level LowCardinality(UInt8),
timestamp DateTime,
log String
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (namespace, level, timestamp)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;
Logging is the backbone of our monitoring and debugging process. Here's a brief overview:
Why Logging is Important
1. Debugging: Helps identify and resolve issues quickly.
2. Monitoring: Provides insights into system health and performance.
3. Auditing and Compliance: Maintains an audit trail for regulatory requirements.
4. Performance Optimization: Identifies bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
Tools We Use
We use Pino and NestJS Pino for backend logging. Logs are written to stdout and collected by a Fluent Bit daemon set, which then pushes them to our ClickHouse database.
Setting Up Pino and NestJS Pino
npm install pino nestjs-pino pino-pretty
Configuration in app.module.ts
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
inject: [ConfigService],
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
const streams: DestinationStream[] = [process.stdout];
const env = configService.get('NODE_ENV');
return {
pinoHttp: [
genReqId: () => v4().replace(/-/g, ''),
...(env === 'development'
? {
transport: {
target: 'pino-pretty',
options: { colorize: true },
: {}),
export class AppModule {}
Configuration in `main.ts`
import { Logger } from 'nestjs-pino';
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {
cors: true,
bufferLogs: true,
await app.listen(3000);
Injecting the Logger in Services
@InjectPinoLogger( // Add the service name to logs
private readonly logger: PinoLogger,
Source Map Support
Enable source maps in tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"sourceMap": true,
Add the following in `main.ts`:
import { install } from 'source-map-support';
Fluent Bit Setup
To handle log collection and forwarding, we use Fluent Bit, a lightweight and high-performance log processor.
kubectl create namespace fluent-bit
helm repo add fluent
helm upgrade --install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit --values values.yaml -n fluent-bit
Filtering Logs
Fluent Bit allows filtering logs using the record_accessor property:
filters: |
Name kubernetes
Match kube.*
Merge_Log On
Keep_Log Off
K8S-Logging.Parser On
Name grep
Match *
Regex $kubernetes['labels']['should_log'] do
Configuring Deployments
Add the should_log label to your Kubernetes deployment configuration:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sales-jobverse-stage-backend
replicas: 1
app: sales-jobverse-stage-backend
app: sales-jobverse-stage-backend
should_log: do
Grafana for Visualization
To visualize and analyze our logs, we use Grafana, an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. Grafana integrates seamlessly with ClickHouse, allowing us to build interactive dashboards and perform complex queries on our log data.
Setting Up Grafana
1. Install Grafana:
helm repo add grafana
helm install grafana grafana/grafana
2. Configure Data Source:
- Open Grafana and navigate to Configuration > Data Sources.
- Add ClickHouse as a data source.
- Provide the ClickHouse connection details.
3. Create Dashboards:
- Create custom dashboards to visualize log data.
- Use ClickHouse queries to filter and aggregate log information.
The Logging Pipeline
Collecting Logs
Logs are collected by Fluent Bit, which runs as a daemon set in our Kubernetes cluster. Fluent Bit listens to all pod logs, filters them based on labels, and forwards the relevant logs to ClickHouse.
Storing Logs
In ClickHouse, logs are stored in the backend and frontend logs tables. The table structure allows for efficient querying and analysis of logs.
Querying and Analyzing Logs
ClickHouse's high-performance query engine enables us to quickly analyze large volumes of logs. Grafana helps visualize these logs, providing insights into system health, debugging issues, and optimizing performance.
By leveraging ClickHouse, Fluent Bit, Pino, and Grafana, we have created a high-performance logging infrastructure capable of processing billions of logs efficiently. This setup not only helps us maintain the health of our systems but also provides valuable insights for debugging and performance optimization. Through continuous monitoring and logging, CyberMind Works is committed to delivering robust and reliable applications.
For further reading and detailed configurations, refer to the following resources:
- Pino Documentation
- NestJS Pino
- Fluent Bit Documentation
- ClickHouse Documentation
- Grafana Documentation
About Boopesh Mahendran
Boopesh is one of the Co-Founders of CyberMind Works and the Head of Engineering. An alum of Madras Institute of Technology with a rich professional background, he has previously worked at Adobe and Amazon. His expertise drives the innovative solutions at CyberMind Works.